iPad in Reading Intervention Groups

The journey begins...

When the iPads were introduced to the four kindergarten reading intervention groups in the first week of October 2011, the goal was twofold: gain familiarity with app content, and get comfortable with navigation within the apps as well as the iPad itself.  The students got to use the iPads three times a week for a total of 30 minutes per week.  
     The targeted outcomes of these intervention groups were to reinforce letter identification, improve letter formation skills, and recognize word wall words learned in the classroom.  This intervention group ran early October 2011 through mid-January 2012.  The data chart below showcases the progress of the students.
Reading Intervention Data
The iPads were utilized in a variety of ways:
  • as a “ticket” to get an iPad
  • for independent study after a mini lesson on letter recognition (replacing a follow-up worksheet)
  • to review letters prior to the monthly assessment  
  • for group mini lessons (guided)
  • for peer review and discourse (pair/share)
  • as an exit card    

Letter formation- App iWriteWords 

Ticket- Before...on the board
        After...on the iPad

Peer discourse

This is a 33-second video which stops when she gets stuck identifying a letter which then becomes a teachable moment.                                                               

 The student featured in the video is reviewing letters after a mini lesson.  She is using the app Junior  Bingo. 

 The targeted outcomes of the current reading intervention group are to improve familiarity with letter sounds and gain the ability to segment CVC words into sounds.  Data will be posted after the April assessment.

Since March 2012 we have also been using the iPads ...
  • for interactive writing   
  • to create presentations

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